This is just one chapter

This is just one chapter

I want you to think back to when your were 15 or 16 years old. You probably just got your leaners permit or your license. The world began to expand for you. You realized you could travel to new places. You could see new things. 
Why Do You Take The Hard Road?

Why Do You Take The Hard Road?

Many people were very upset. They called me a racist. They said I was brutal. They wanted me fired. They wanted me charged with crimes I did not commit.
I Don't Know Where to Start

I Don't Know Where to Start

 I am going to take a guess and say it's that you do not have a clue where to begin. Guess what? No one does.

That perfect moment to get started is not coming. The right time to start wasn't 3 years ago and it's not 3 years from now. The right time to start is right now. I know you don't know where to start. I know it feels overwhelming.

Perseverance Through Pain

Perseverance Through Pain

How many times in your life have you faced adversity? How many times have you persevered through something that felt like you could never find your way through? My guess is probably more times than you can count.
Oh Great, Another T-Shirt Company

Oh Great, Another T-Shirt Company

I was like who does this person think they are?! They don't know anything! They are making an assumption because they saw a post come across their feed and now they are an expert?!